- Arrival and Dismissal
- Attendance: Absences, Tardies, and Early Release
- Cafeteria
- Dress Guidelines
- Playground Procedures
- Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
- Health Services
- Food on Campus
- Cell Phones
- Expulsion Laws
- Evergreen School District Policies
Arrival and Dismissal
The safety of all who attend Holly Oak is of great concern to parents and staff. Therefore, we ask your personal cooperation and commitment.
Supervision for students begins at 7:45 a.m. Children MAY NOT arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. Supervision of children ends at 2:30 p.m. on regular days and at 12:45 p.m. on Thursdays. Children MAY NOT be on campus after that time unless they are with their parent, under the direct supervision of a teacher, or involved in a school-approved activity. Should a student arrive after school begins at 8:45 a.m., they should report to the office for a late pass. Research has revealed that students who are late or miss school regularly find it difficult to be successful. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is on time.
The parking lot curb lane may be used as a drop-off/pick-up area. There is no waiting. Out of respect for others, please circle around again if your child has not yet arrived for pick-up. Make sure to pull all the way forward in the pick-up lane. All pedestrians must use the crosswalk. Please do not double park. In addition to be being a safety hazard for students, emergency vehicles and visitors must be able to flow through our parking lot at all times. Eliminating cars driving through the parking lot creates a safer situation for our students and staff.
At the end of the school day, students must go directly home or to their child care provider. Only children accompanied by an adult, under the direct supervision of the teacher, or in an approved school activity may remain on campus. Students may not return until after 5 p.m. unless under the direct supervision of a parent or in an approved school activity.
Parking Lot Safety
Holly Oak takes the safety of our students very seriously. Our parking lot procedures are in place to ensure all students are able to commute to and from school safely. There are designated areas for student drop off and pick up. It is essential for all community members to be aware of and follow our parking lot procedures. We will have adults and signage out front to assist you in this process.
- Use only the marked cross walks at all times
- Keep the marked area in front of the office clear
- Parking spots are reserved for Holly Oak Staff Only
- Please keep red curbs and bus loading zone clear
- School dismisses at 2:15 p.m.
- Please stay in your car at all times while waiting in the drop off line
- Turn right out of the parking lot
Kinder families: Please park on the street and walk in to pick up students. If you do not see your child in the loading zone, exit and re-enter the pick-up line.
Bicycle Policy
Students riding bicycles to school are required to observe the following rules. Holly Oak assumes no liability in case of theft or vandalism.
- Wear approved bike helmets.
- Do not ride bikes on or through the campus.
- Provide individual lock and chain. Park and lock bicycle in racks provided.
Attendance: Absences, Tardies, and Early Release
Students are expected to be in school except in cases of emergency, illness, or school approved absences. When your child is absent please follow the procedure below.
- Parents should notify the school by 9 a.m. Report absences on the first day and all days the student is absent or send a note to the office. All unverified absences will result in an unexcused absence.
- A doctor’s statement is required for an extended illness of three (3) days or more.
- If your child cannot go out for recess, he/she must bring a signed note stating the reason for being excused.
- Frequent or extended absences from recess or P.E. may require a doctor’s statement.
- If your student is out for 2 or more days parents may request homework. Please note that it is most important that students rest at home and get well.
- A student is tardy after the first bell has rung. He/she needs a late pass from the Office.
- A student should report to the Office first when arriving late to school. An adult should accompany late primary students to the Office.
Early Release from School
Students may not leave the school without permission. If you must remove your child prior to dismissal, please come to the office, and we will notify your child’s class. Please schedule appointments late in the afternoon to minimize disruptions to your child’s education.
Weather permitting, students eat, play, and exercise outside. On days that boarder extreme weather conditions, an inside eating option is provided. During inclement weather or extreme heat, students eat inside. Please remember to send your children to school in layers, and don’t forget that sunscreen!
Dress Guidelines
Good taste and good grooming are part of learning for children. It is recognized that the school shares with parents a responsibility for teaching young people the appropriateness of dress. It is our belief that clothing contributes to attitudes and behavior; therefore, we expect:
- Students to come to school dressed for learning.
- No article of clothing should carry slogans that are in “poor taste”. This would include wording that is suggestive, violent, or vulgar in nature or that which reflects drugs or alcohol.
- All shirts and dresses must have sleeves.
- Gang-related clothing or modes of dress are not permitted. No attire may be worn that does or is perceived to create a hostile learning environment.
- Students should wear shoes that are appropriate for physical education.
Playground Procedures
Children may use playground equipment during school hours only when supervised. Equipment areas are closed when wet, dangerous, or when there is not adequate supervision. Students are to wait outside of the play area until permission to use is given. Students are responsible for proper and safe use of the playground equipment. Students may not run, play tag or chase each other in the playground area. Likewise unsafe play such as standing on bars, climbing up the slide, and jumping from equipment and swings is not allowed.
Blacktop and Grass Area Procedures
- Recess is a time for fun and relaxation. However, all students are reminded to be courteous, respectful and safe. The following rules have been established to ensure student safety.
- Follow yard supervisors directions promptly and with courtesy.
- Pushing, fighting (including play-fighting), chasing, name calling, or threatening, are not allowed.
- Play safe. No playing or running between buildings, or in bathrooms. Students must stay on the playground side of the yellow lines. Students should not climb on fences, trees, or picnic tables.
- Tackling, throwing rocks or sticks, and taking equipment from others is not allowed.
- Throwing, catching, tag, and kickball games are permitted only on the grass or in a defined court, i.e., handball court, basketball court, volleyball court, and race lines.
- Kicking a ball is allowed only on grass.
- Soccer ballsand kickballs are the only balls that may be kicked. Sports equipment from home may not be used at recess or lunch. Hard balls are not allowed at any time. Students may not play football at recess time.
- Eat snacks at picnic tables only. Food is not allowed on blacktop, play area or grass.
- Students cannot bring play equipment from home to use at recess.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
Holly Oak Elementary School’s discipline plan is designed to assist students in making responsible choices concerning appropriate behavior. It is our fundamental belief that students are responsible for their own behavior. Adults, parents, and educators, are responsible for providing children with guidance and practice in choosing appropriate behavior. The effectiveness of the discipline policy is dependent upon the active commitment of all adults, administrators, staff, and parents.
Students who violate the school rules are subject to disciplinary action. In most cases the following procedure is followed by teachers/supervisors:
- Teacher/supervisor cautions and/or redirects the child as privately as possible.
- Teacher/supervisor and child discuss the inappropriate behavior and agree upon alternate, appropriate behavior to use in the future.
- Teacher/ Principal assigns an appropriate consequence as needed. This will be documented on a Citation. A copy will be sent home for signature, one copy is for the teacher, and one copy is for the principal.
- Teacher/Principal informs parent if situation warrants it.
Health Services
A trained health clerk is on duty during the day for emergencies. By law, the school staff is allowed to render first aid only. School staff may not diagnose or prescribe in case of illness or accident.
- You, or your emergency designee, will be notified whenever a significant accident or illness occurs. Immediate arrangements must be made to take the child home.
- It is vital that we have accurate, current information on the emergency card.
- Children may take necessary PRESCRIBED medication at school under the supervision of the health clerk or secretary. Parents must have the doctor fill out the proper form and leave any medication (in the original container with the complete instructions) and form in the health office.
- The school cannot administer aspirin or other medication that can be purchased over the counter. NON-PRESCRIBED MEDICATION IS NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL FOR STUDENT SAFETY REASONS.
- Students may not bring medication to school without authorization.
Food on Campus
Student nutrition and health contribute to an academically successful child. As such, the Evergreen School District has developed the following criteria that follow state, federal and health department guidelines regarding the serving of food to students at Evergreen School District sites.
- Any baked food items sent to school for celebrations must be purchased from a store.
- Food items may only be served after the classroom’s lunch period.
- Food items provided for the classroom must be peanut free.
- Food items should be individually wrapped.
- No cupcakes or ice cream are allowed.
Looking for an alternative to cupcakes for a birthday celebration? Consider joining our Birthday Book Club! More information about Birthday Book Club and how to join will be sent home to all families at the start of school.
Cell Phones
Phones need to be secured in backpacks and turned off during the school day. Students may come to the office to use the phone if they need to place a call. Students may use their phones outside the classroom after school is dismissed. The school is not responsible for phones that are stolen, lost, or damaged. If a student has a phone out during the day it will be confiscated and brought to the office and must be picked up by an adult.
Expulsion Laws
Expulsion from the Evergreen School District removes a child in grades K-8 from enrolling in any Evergreen School for the period of expulsion. Laws that became effective January 1, 1996, require a recommendation for expulsion for possessing a firearm (including pellet or BB guns), brandishing a knife at another person, and selling drugs. Additionally, the Board of Trustees may expel for possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia, damage to property, theft, tobacco, disruption/defiance of authority, imitation firearm possession, sexual harassment, hate violence, and possession of dangerous objects.
Also, please note that if these violations occur when a student is walking to or from school, the student may be referred for expulsion. Parents should seriously review with their child at all ages the consequences of what they carry in their pockets, bags, or backpacks to and from school. Evergreen
School District endorses a Zero Tolerance policy for any action of a student that endangers others.
Evergreen School District Policies
The following Evergreen School District policies are provided to you to increase your awareness of what is and is not tolerated at any Evergreen School District campus. Policies in their entirety will be distributed at the beginning of the school year and can be requested from the school office.
Student Use of Technology - B.P. 6163.4
The Governing Board recognizes that technology provides ways to access the most current and extensive sources of information. Technology enables students to practice skills and to develop reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Every effort shall be made to provide equal access to technology throughout the district’s schools and classes. Students are responsible for adhering to Evergreen School District’s Acceptable Use Agreement.
Non-Discrimination - B.P. 5145.3
District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, including harassment, with respect to the actual or perceived ethnic group, religion, gender, color, race, ancestry, national origin, and physical or mental disability, age or sexual orientation. The Governing Board shall ensure equal opportunities for all students in admission and access to the educational program, guidance, and counseling programs, athletic programs, testing procedures, and other activities.
Sexual Harassment - B.P. 5145.7
The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a school environment that is free from harassment. The Board prohibits sexual harassment of any student by another student, an employee or other person, at school or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who complains, testifies, assists or otherwise participates in the complaint process established in accordance with this policy. Any student who engages in sexual harassment of anyone at school or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity is in violation of this policy and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Uniform Complaint Procedure - B.P. 1312.4
The Board recognizes that the district has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations governing education. The district shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The district shall follow uniform procedures when addressing civil rights guarantees, complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or gender equity issues, or failure to comply with state or federal law in programs for consolidated categorical aid, Indian education, migrant education, child nutrition, special education, adult education, career/vocation education, and child development. The Board prohibits retaliation in any form for the filing of a complaint, the reporting of instances of discrimination, or for participation in complaint procedures. Such participation shall not in any way affect the status, grades, or work assignments of the complainant. The Board acknowledges and respects employee rights to privacy. Discrimination complaints shall be investigated in a manner that protects the confidentiality of the parties and the facts. This includes keeping the identity of the complainant confidential except to the extent necessary to carry out the investigation or proceedings, as determined by the Superintendent or designee on a case-by-case basis. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that employees designated to investigate complaints are knowledgeable about the laws and programs for which they are responsible.
Tobacco-Free Environment - B.P. 4016.1 and 5131.62
Documentation and research has demonstrated the health hazards associated with the use of tobacco products and the breathing of second-hand smoke. Further, a legislative mandate requires the district to alleviate the presence and use of tobacco products in the educational environment. The Governing Board intends to maintain tobacco and smoke-free school facilities, grounds, offices, work areas, and district vehicles for all of its students, employees, parents, volunteers, and visitors.
Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - B.P. 3212.4 W
The Board recognizes that the district has primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations governing education. The district shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The district shall follow uniform procedures when addressing complaints regarding Instructional Materials, Teacher Vacancy/Mis-assignment and Facilities conditions which pose an emergency or urgent threat to the health or safety of students and/or staff.
Protection of Pupil Rights
The district has adopted policies, in consultation with parents, regarding student and parent rights as well as arrangements to protect the privacy in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution purposes. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act gives parents certain rights with respect to their child’s educational records. More information is available in the school office.